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Credits and Acknowledgements

DHIS was born and developed from the ideas of Joao Cabral, Matthias Dahl and Peder Fugl.

We would like to thank the following entities who have sponsored DHIS in the past by providing a server to host it during the different stages: JUNITEC, ANFEI, LORENTECH and Liberty System Factory.

A word of appreciation to the following people who helped making DHIS possible in many different ways:

Phil Grainger, Geoffrey Marshall, Dirk Myers who helped testing DHIS in its early 1.x releases.

John Steenbruggen who provided security contributions to the development of DHIS R3.

Stamos Sperdouklis who designed the first DHIS logo.

Remi Lefebvre who was part of the core team and helped the project by maintaining a Debian Linux package and giving inumerate suggestions in the Release 3 stage. Remi has moved to give birth to a new Dynamic Host Service, DDT.

Dr. Simon Shepherd who exposed and inspired QRC as a means for secure authentication.

Dan Christensen who helped identifying the problem with authentication failure and exiting.

Dan Mahoney who developed and contribuited with the new DNS perl engine for the server.

Everyone who participated in the mailing lists and thus helped the system to evolve.

Michele Marie Dalene who kindly offered server hosting for DHIS.

Nikademus who contributed with a DNS Perl Engine for djbdns.

Pedro Maia Alves who developed the Windows third party WinDHIS client.

Ron Zohar who developed the Java Dynamic DNS Client which supports DHIS.

Guus Sliepen who maintains the Debian Linux DHIS packages.

Jari Turkia who maintains Linux Fedora and OpenSuSE DHIS RPMS and SRPMS packages and also made contributions with improvements to the server source code.

And finally we would like to thank the following DHIS users who have made donations to the project:

Mark Stosberg, Dan Grazulis, AEB Soft, Noriyuki Sugimoto, Soren Rathje, Dann Williams, Guido Glöde, Dwaine Gonyier, Jared Minch, Charlie Chi, Joshua Glasser, J Allen, Sergio Gaspar, Frank Flachenecker, Ryan Elisei, Paulo Lameirinhas, Brent Haag, Atsushi Shiina and Xavier Bassery, Satoshi Matsuura, Carlos Pasquinelli, Arnold Roth.